Installation Of Scratching
Brush For Cow

When I started learning horse riding, I noticed in the same farm they kept cows as well. Once I saw a caretaker scratching the cows with a small brush in his hand near the horse stables, I was curious and asked about the scratching to the caretaker. Then I had a brief discussion with my father regarding the same and he explained the bodily behaviour of the cows. After few days during a visit to Dholka with my family we reached a cow shed – locally known as PANJARAPOLE, I noticed that the cows were trying to scratch their body with the walls or sticks they could find nearby, as there were no caretaker to scratch their body. After a brief talk with the locals there, we got to know that cows love to scratch their bodies. Since the machines which were made for cows to scratch them were manufactured in Europe and were very expensive, so it was not possible for the locals to buy. After hearing this my father gave an idea to put some good quality brushes dismantled from ships in Alang – a small town where ships from all around the world come to be either recycled or dismantled. We bought some brushes and fixed it on the walls in the cow shed in Dholka. After fixing the brushes in few days we got amazing news and some videos from the locals that the cows are loving it and use them quite often. I was so happy that with a small efforts we could bring some amount the happiness for these cows.

Concept initiated by Dharmadityasinh Chudasama


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