Our Initiatives

During this difficult time of pandemic COVID-19, FARAJ dutifully reached out to many and provided noticeable services to the needy. The organization distributed 10,000 simple face masks to various communities. They also provided 900 Ration Kits to the daily wages workers. They also established and initiated ANNKSHETRA, with the help of it they catered food to more than 1800 people who are highly affected by the economical shift. The Managing Trusty Shri Bhupendrasinh Chudasama took personal attention to those who were stuck in Haryana State and provided them the Ration Kits and helped them to get back to their home land Gujarat. FARAJ also distributed 10800 packets of biscuits and 4200 chocolates to the poor children. To motivate and boost up the spirits of various medical staff and Covid-19 worriers, FARAJ distributed 1200 milkshakes and biscuits among them.

As soon as the unlock process started in the society the organization started distributing the Safety kit to various communities in different areas as the safety measures. Under this drive they distributed 50,000+ washable Face Mask, 20,000+ Soap and 20,000+ Sanitizer bottles. The organization also believes that prevention is better than cure and so to prevent people from this deadly virus they distributed 800+ Immunity Booster Syrup and 200 + Immunity Booster Capsules. The organization covered the Old age home, Divyang (disables) people, daily wages labourers etc.

The organization also understands that how this pandemic affects the human mind. To overcome with this hard time and get a vital and positive change, the organization had organized a Tree Plantation drive and planted 500+ Trees and associated the people with nature. The Recreation Games and Play Station were installed in a garden to provide the children with a playful environment. Women empowerment and equality is always a priority for organization and so they distributed 10500+ Sanitary Pads to the girls and women to ensure their health must not be compromised during this hard time.

Water Conservation – Reverse Bore – Rain Water Harvesting
Water is the reason why life exists on planet Earth, without it life is unimaginable. Due to our current life style, careless approach towards the use of water, freshwater sources are becoming scarce with the passage of time. Reports of several global agencies including United Nations indicate that if the current situation of water does not change and preventive measures are not taken, then the world will start to run out of fresh water by 2050. In such scary time when climatic changes are inevitable the water conservation is must to overcome this future disaster for our coming generation. Rainwater Harvesting is a sustainable process that helps in preserving rainwater. Rainwater Harvesting is a method of collecting and storing rainwater to be used for various day to day purposes while it can be used in future as well.

FARAJ always stood by the society to help and support the people in their hard time. The organization took the initiative and started the work on this project not just to help the people but the Mother Nature as well. The organization has irrigated more than 29 Reverse Bore for Rainwater harvesting in and around Dholka, Ahmedabad district within such a short time of 2 years. They have many more to add in the list in coming time.

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